Chatsworth Plaindealer from Chatsworth, Illinois (2024)

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MONEY MADE IN TWO WAV HOIJUORlIMPRESEtIT I nxmois ONLY SIX MEMBERS ON HAND RIBBONS EMBOSSED IN GOLD ROUND ABOUT TH? WORLD silk The force BOND SEVEN PACKERS GIVE Indicted 100000 In line and 500000 111 CENERAL NEWS PLURALITY 8551 left Demo iCARTERS tSpation com com Chicago i federal email Demo bO the Before Up that was the by for rep this IV ER PILL I of session laws Schnepp Springfield $7338616 company $5530207 Reservations of Boxes for Races Are Made Early of to Erect In formation Booth Be Located in Courthouse Square Auto and Aeroplane Race Illinois state fair will have a contest the like of which the has never yet witnessed if the Complete Review of Happenings of Greatest Interest from All Part of the Globe Latest Home and or eign Items Your truly great are notoriously not happy Snalth THE PAST WEEK TOLD CONDENSED ORM with printing and stationery Congressional Delegation in Maine Equally Divided Democrats Have 75 Majority In Legislature can easily make forty affair Is a go Oldfield a distance from Spflng equal the distance Board Takes Recess Due to the failure of returns from county assessments to reach the office of the secretary the board of equal ization adjourned for the second time Its regular work will be taken up the latter part of September Railroad and capital stock assessments will be taken up first by the board It is believed by the next meeting date many of the returns will have been received and tabulated Indicted Beef Barone Apper Judge Landis and Put $30000 Bail Each Single Binder cigar Original Tin oil Smoker Package 5c straight Local Enterpriser Tourist Wjiy do you call this a vol cano? I believe it has had an eruption for a thousand years! Oulde Well the hotel managers in this region club together and keep a fire going in it every year during th season Meggendorfer Blaetter owler Indorsed for Senator Trenton Returns Indicate that Congressman Charles owler of the ifth district was Tuesday in dorsed for the United States senate to succeed Senator Kean with ex Gov ernor Stokes a close second and ex Governor Murphy third Considerably less than half of the normal vote was polled Woodrow Wilson 13 probably the Democratic nomine for governor and State Banking Commissioner Lewis is insured the Republican nom ination LITTLE UVER PILLS gcatly but firmly con pel lazy wrer to his annual report to the commission ers of labor in their annual meeting in this city Inspector Cruden was directed by Governor Deneen several years ago to make a special study of the parole laws and in that time several hun dred convicts have been paroled to him Subsequent to his report the labor commission authorized Secretary David Ross and Inspector Cruden to prepare and Submit to Governor De neen the board of prison industries and the parole board a communica tion embodying all of rec ommendations Make the Liver Do its Duty Nine times in lea when the Ever ia right Hm BALLINGER VERDICT WILL NOT BE KNOWN UNTIL DE CEMBER 3 Speaking of ires Roy Bone a brother of United RtatRsjti strict Attorney Harry Bone several years ago was a reporter on the Wichita Beacon In going to a fire one of the members of the fire de partment was thrown from a hose cart and killed Bone wrote a head with this as the first deck: "Gone to His Last The piece got into the paper 'and Bone was promptly "fired" Kansas City Journal of Russia is known In as one of the Announce ward Tilden E'lward Louis Heyman Edward Charles Swift rancis A owler also was reported 11 by his counsel who promised to bring him in as soon as he was able to come Representa tions were made that Ixtuis Swift and Thomas Connors will give the required bonds on their return from Europe which will he within a few days The judge did not require the per sonal appearance of the packers in courts The indicted men were repre sented by Levy Mayer John Miller and George Buckingham The court stipulated that each pack er be held under bond of $10000 on each count of the indictment thus making the total bond of each defend ant $30000 and the aggregate of the bonds of the ten packers $300000 Attorney Miller pleaded with Judge Landis for a reduction of the bond to $5000 on each count as was the case when the packers were indicted five years ago Insignia of Honors Won to Be of New Design office for the past year including the fines was $13580 and that the dis bursem*nts were $11691 Employment Bureau Inspector Wil liam Crudden in his report to the commissioners called attention to the operation of the parole law and of fered Suggestions as to certain amend ments that should be made to the law Secretary Ross Crudden to make Ings to Governor Secretary Ross that 280 licenses employment agencies to do business in the state of Illinois The members of the commission reported that they were now making investigations in re gard to qnurry manufactories in the state and also reported that they were seeking information from each city and town in the state as to' their re sources with a view factories The members of present were rank burg Peters of Carbondale Madden of Chicago and Hon Ross of this city 350 BOLTS HEEDED OR AIR RIBBDH $100 Reward $100 The rradeni of thia paper will be pleased to leara that there is at least one dreaded dlseaae that science baa been able to cure in nil ita atages and that if Catarrh Hairs Catarrh Cure is the only poEitlva cure now kuown to the medical fraternity Catarrh being a constitutional dtacaae requires a constitu tional treatmeat Catarrh Cure is taken in ternally acting Clrcctly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system thereby destroying the foundation of the diseaae and giving the patient strength by buUdlng up the constitution and opiat ing nature in doing Ita work The proprietors hare bo much faith in tta curative powers that they ofleg One Hundred Dollars tor any case that It tails ta cure Send for list of testimonials Address CHENEY CU Toledo Sold by all Druggists 75c Taka Hall's amily Pills for constlpaUoo Deneen in the State Hamilton Quits Senator John 3 Hamilton president pro tem of the senate who has been acting governor of Illinois during the absence from the state of Governor Deneen and Lieutenant Governor Og lesby at the national conservation of congress at St Paul Minn received word that Governor Deneen nad ar rived in Chicago Senator J'ojin'S Hamilton thereupon relinquished the office of acting governor and returned to his home in Marissa' QUA Augusta Me Returns received Tuesday from all but twenty one towns In the state give Plalsted (Dem) for governor a plurality over ernaid (Rep) of 8551 votes Hinds and Guernsey Republicans and McGillicuddy and Gould crats are elected to congress Returns from all but two representative classes give the crats 21 out of the 31 state senators and 86 out of the 151 representatives Seven of the 1 meat packers indicted by the grand Jury on charges of conspiracy in restraint of trade appeared before Judge I andis Tuesday and gave bonds in the sum of $30000 each By their prompt appearance they escaped ar rest on bench warrants which Judge Landis had ordered issued Tb first packer to put In an ap pearance was Ogden Armour He was followed by Arthur Meeker Ed Morris and Congressional Inquiry Committee Meet at Chicago But Adjourn to Assemble at Only Re publicans Put In an Appearance Chicago Not until next December will Richard A Ballinger secretary of the Interior learn the verdict ar rived at by the congressional in vestigating committee Six members of the ctfmmlttee met in Chicago Tuesday to take action on the majority report but after delib erating several hours without a quorum present an adjournment was taken until December 3 in Washing ton The members present were: Sena tor Elihu Root of New York Knute Nelson of Minnesota George Suther land of Ttah Representatives Olmstead of Pennsylvania 8 Mc Call of Massachusetts and Edwin Denby of Michigan all Republicans Senator lint of California appoint ed by Vice President Sherman to serve on the committee Is still abroad and In his absence the other six pre pared a statement In which they de clare that the majority resolution adopted at Minneapolis declaring Sec retary Ballinger guilty of the charges made against him was Senator Nelson declared that be might call another meeting of the committee before congress convenes and said that In the event of Senator prior to that time he together with the six who attended the meeting here would constitute a quorum He further declared that a quorum of the committee Is empowered to proceed with the case and prepare a report to be submitted to congress notwithstanding the possible absence of the five dissenting members MOST IMPORTANT EVENTS IN 7 4 7 State Printing Bids Are Opened Bids for contracts to furnish tli state of Illinois binding paper lithographinc and envelopes were opened in the office at the state house in the presence of Acting Governor Robert Hamilton Secre tary of State Rose and Auditor McCullough who with the attorney general constitute the state commis sion on contracts Owing to the ab sence of Attorney General Stead the awarding of contracts was postponed until September 19 Due to the uncertainty In the coal situation of Illinois coal men failed to put in a single bid for state coal contracts Bids on coal ordinarily are most numerous The highest and lowest blds in the case of each class of bids are: Printing bills of Phil lips Brothers Springfield $1428591 Rokker company Springfield $888301 Printing Barnes Rokker Printing election registers Schnepp Barnes $600 Rokker company $380 Miscellaneous printing Illinois State Journal company Springfield $1755425 Rokker company $13 36335 Illinois Printing company Danville $5860475 Rokker company $3997317 Printing and cover paper Graham Paper company $32355 Empire Pa per company $34189 lat paper Graham Paper com pany $1451180 Empire Paper com pany $1606020 Paper and Stationery Blackwell Wlelandy Book Stationery company $9406935 Illinois Printing company $7904765 Illinois Lithograph ing Label company $3283 Clinton company $403979 Illinois Printing pany $383375 Empire Paper I pany $403705 Chief Clerk Clanahan and his began at once the task of tabulating the bids Bids for the coal supply will be republished Will Rcnchlfer assumed the duties of foreman of the Rokker bindery He succeeds rank Leed er who resigned from the service of the Rokker company to establish a plant of his own The work of the Rokker plant In handling the state contracts will not be hindered on ac count of the change Ezra Warner senior member of the grocery firm of Sprague Warner Co multi millionaire and philan thropist died very suddenly at his home in Lake orest Death was due to a stroke of apoplexy ormer Gov Benjamin Odell Jr of New York in a published statement declares he has retired permanently from the political arena in the city district and state Solicitor General Lloyd Bowers died at Boston of complications aris ing from an attack of bronphitls aged fifty one A blood clot in the heart caused almost Instant death Congressman Champ Clark at a home coming gathering in Moberly Mo declared that If elected speaker of the next house of representatives he would drive a team of Missouri mules down Pennsylvania avenue Miss lorence Pardee daughter of former Gov George Pardee of Cali fornia was instantly killed when an siiifnmnhilp In which she was riding with a number of friends turned over I The other members of the party es caped with slight injuries Explaining his action in a scorching statement Gov Malcolm Patterson withdrew his candidacy for the Demo crstlc nomination for governor of Ten nessee furnishing a sensational cli max to a long and bitter preliminary campaign Coy Isaac Ellwood one of the most prominent figures In the life of Illinois since the early and the richest man in Illinois died at his res idence in De Kalb Ill after an ness of more than two months BRIE HEWS NOTES OB THE BUSY MAN Great Army of Hunter More than 128000 licenses have been issued in New York state) for the fall shooting The deer shooting season opens on Septem ber 16 while partridge and other game bird? may be hunted after Oc tober 1 New Corporation The following Chicago corporation were licensed by the secretary of stale Worthington Chemical company $5000 toilet articles Lewi Bin yon A Rogan George Worthington? Butkitt John $25000 adverti sing John Butkitt John Davit C' i Bell Tailors clothing Et palmist will tell you when you are going to "And then run and tell the under taker I suppose and get a commission on the TINY CASE baby when two months old wa Buffering with terrible eczema from head to foot all over her body The baby looked just like a skinned rabblL We were unable to put clothe on her At first it seeped to be a few mattered pimples They would break the skin and peel off leaving the un derneath kin red as though it were scald Then a few more pimple would appear and spread all over the body leaving the baby all raw without skin from head to foot On top of her head there appeared a heavy scab a quarter of an Inch thick It wa aw ful to see so small a baby look as she did Imagine! The doctor was afraid to put bls hands to the child We tried several remedies but all failed we decided to try Cuticura By using the Cuticura Ointment we softened the scab and It came off Un der this where the real matter was by washing with the Cuticura Soap and applying the Cuticura Ointment a new skin soon appeared We also gave baby four drops of the Cuticura Resolvent three times dally After three days you could see the baby gaining a little skin which would peel off and heal underneath Now the baby Is four months old She Is a fin picture of a fat little baby and all is well We only used one cake of Cuti cura Soap two boxes of Cuticura Oint ment and one bottle of Cuticura Re solvent If people would know what Cuticura Is there would be few suffer ing with eczema Mrs Joseph Kos mann 7 St Place Ridgewood Heights Apr 30 and May 4 Sirlt Headache and Bistre after Eating Scull Pill Small Data Small Price Genuine mmUu Signature Keen Goes to HI Stock arm Lexington James: Keene who has befen ill of pneumonia here naa so rar recovered Tuesday as to be able to go to hl a stock farma few miles from th! city 7 Warns Civil Service orce Secretary Joseph Mason state civil service department a circular letter to all employes of the I enter the contest state commission In charitable service I against taking part In the elections of I November 8 to the extent of being par 1 Clothe Ex Convict Better Says Expert ties to contributions Sections 20 21 I Every paroled convict should be and 22 of the state civil service law under the supervision of an officer of provide specifically against the bo the state in the opinion of Chief In llcltlng or receiving of assessments or spector Cruden of the state contributions for political purposes bureau of labor statistics who made Under the rules no employe In the classified service of the commission can be a candidate or engage in work In the behalf of political candidates Secretary Dlckir son of the state boari of agriculture has received the ribbon badges which will be used at the state fair premium markers The ribbons resent several changes in design year Anoroxlmately 350 bolts of were used In making the ribbons The blue ribbons and others repre senting the higher prizes are neatly embossed in gold The lower prize ribbons are printed with the seal of Illinois handsomely worked In The office force of the board Is greatly pleased at the work done on the rib bons One of the' changes In the makeup of the ribbons Is the new provision made for attaching them to the premiums Instead of having rings at the upper ends as in the past pretty cords this year will do the service The office Is in receipt of four ribbons from the Holstein riesian Association of America which will be used in awarding spe cial premiums for dairy tests In the Holstein department Work of erecting the information booth the Chamber of Commerce will 'maintain during state fair week is to be started Plans for the struc I ture were approved at a meeting of the conventions committee The information booth will will be located in courthouse square and the design approved assures a neat and attractive little building will be erected Nearly half of the amphitheater boxes for the state fair races have already been reserved Unusual attractions of both air and earth speed events have combined to Lk 1 1 11 Il II 1 rv I The plat of boxes at the commerce I office shows 48 of the 106 boxes have world already been reservea negotiations that are being held be I tween representatives of the railroads Receipts of Labor Statistics Office rlght brothers Oldfield and those Secretary David Ross of the state who are flnancing the proposition 'are bureau of labor statistics In his re successfully concluded port to the members of the commis Publicity Agent Pickering of the sion of labor who meet in the state state board of agriculture is adding a house showed that the receipts of the startling new feature to the fair which will give It world wide publicity in endeavoring to arrange a race from Chicago to Springfield between a limited train aeroplane and Barney Oldfield speed Ac cording to Mr Pickering this great feat is practically assured The rail roads and the representatives of the WrioM hrothrK said the nublicltv directed Inspector agent are heartily in accord with the a report of his find pan and Aexander Solan who rep Deneen resents Oldfield says that the propo in his report showed Bltlon j8 agreeable to him and needs: had been issued to I of Oldfield and that he personally Is of the opinion that the automobile racer ns he ex pressed it be keen for the is the first time in the history of sport that such a thing has been attempted" said Mr Solan In rnv nrdniryn tho rfiCA ran be HT to the locating of ranged for the aeroplane averages forty five miles an hour and Oldfield fa)r road8 Mott of Gales the wAnl1 cfarf nt Davd field which Is I tween Chicago and this city as I crow flies" Messrs Pickering and Solan of the I for Chicago to meet Oldfield to com issued I pete the arrangements for the racer 4 DOUGLAS SHOES L00 250 9300 S5O 400 4500 WJW WS80U IW WJW BSUU THE STANDARD OR SO YEARS They are absolutely th most populril bestshoe for th price in America Thev are the leaders everv whero because they hold vixen uapet nr oevter look better and wear lon ger than ether makes They are positively th Ibmost economical shoes for Douglas name and the retail price are stamped VLrtS "yMUO KUMMWVU fl IJTAKI HP IUMTITV PERSONAL Joseph Croke Sibley who recently retlr from the race for congress was Indicted along with four co de fendants by the Warren county (Pa) grand Jury on a charge of conspiracy to bribe the voters of the Twenty eighth congressional district Elizabeth Murdoch sixteen year old daughter of the manager of the Indianapolis and Louisville Traction company committed suicide with carbolic acid at armington Ind George Miller vide president of the irst National bank of Hunting ton Va and one of the most prominent business men in West Vir ginia died of apoplexy at Hot Springs 'Ml a a I Twenty nine live were iw I Michigan when the Per Marquette hMl7! I terry Na 18 gank from unknown cause SO miles off Sheboygan It is declared one of the worst ma rine disasters in the history of Lake Michigan navigation The boat was valued at $400000 and the cargo which included 32 loaded cars es timated to be worth $150000 Thirty three men were saved How he was down by prominent Illinois Central officials when he sought to convince them tha he could show how the road could save $30000 a month in car repairs was related In Judge Bruggemeyer court at Chicago by red Peck formerly an employee of the Oster mann Manufacturing company Uhlan trotted a remarkable mile at Charter Oak park Hartford Conn when he drew his owner Billings hitched to a speed wagon in 2:01 The last quarter be covered in 29 seconds Gardner head of the Shore Electric company operating in New Jersey was found murdered in the bushes near Red Bank The police are unable to find a clue to his slayer John Kakas a Greek in an ad vanced stage of leprosy has escaped quarantine at Salt Lake City and is supposed to be on his way to New York city where he expects to sail for his native country New York and Philadelphia physi cians are Interested in tests that are being made with rattlesnake venom which it Is said may cure epilepsy A thoroughbred racehorse once the property of CapL Sims Brown delib erately committed suicide near Pitts burg It is said when It was forced to draw an old farm wagon At the opening of the trial of Dr Hawley Crippen 1 London who 1 charged with the murder of his wife Belle Elmore the prosecution an nounced that large quantities of poison had been found in the wom an's body and that there were evi dences that she had been subjected to an operation Vice President Elias ernandez Al bano acting presides of Chile since I the death of President Montt died I suddenly from an attack of heart failure Ten men were crushed to death and nine were injured several of them mortally by the fall of hundreds of tons of rock through the broken roof of the old Erie railroad tunnels Jer sey City The dead and injured formed part of a gang of 28 men who were removing the mountain of stone above the tunnels to transform them into open "cuts" Thomas Shields a coal passer and Stanley Chubb a porter rescued when Pere Marquette car ferry No 18 went down in Lake Michigan with a loss of 28 persons declare that had steam er No 17 come alongside the sunken boat when signaled every person on the Pere Marquette would have been saved Instead they declare No 17 stayed away until the boat was sub merged A religious pageant as rich in devo tional emotion as in sacred imagery diverse in nationality and huge in size closed the twenty first Interna tional Eucharistic congress The pro cession marched four miles through the streets of Montreal the host at its head to Mount Royal above the city There were viewed it The czar Passaic leading philanthropists ment was made that he had contrib uted $40000 toward the erection of a new Russian orthodox church in that city The structure will cost $120000 Rev George Williams of Chicago has been elected secretary of the missions of the American Sun day School union whose headquarters are in Philadelphia Pa The old missionary hymn icy has been dropped from the mission hymnal which Is to be submitted for approval to the convention of the Episcopal church In Cincinnati next month 1 Many protests are made Cardinal Legate Vannutelli presided 1 at pontifical mass at Montreal Que In the presence of 40000 worshipers 1 the greatest assemblage ever gath ered In a single act or worsnip in tne npw world Democratic nominees for state of flees headed by Gov George Donaghy candidate for re election rolled up the usual majorities at the election in Arkansas The Democrats of Maine elected their candidate for governor CoL rederick Plalsted mayor of Au gusta and perhaps four congressmen and quite likely also a majority of the legislature Next week the greatest fleet of war ships ever assembled on the Hudson will anchor off New York and the United States seamen after being paid will get ten shore leave It is estimated they will receive about $600000 John Scanlan a cartoonist was found dead in studio at Philadel phia As he had signed himself "Walt at times his death led to the report that the well known Kansas poet was dead Ten men five of them presidents of the most extensive packing compa nies in the world and all of them di rectors of the National Packing com pany Which has been the special ob ject of recent governmental Investiga tion were indicted by the federal grand jury at Chicago on a charge of having violated the Sherman anti trust act: Senator 'j Burrows announces that' he will begin the investigation the election of Senator William Lorlmdr to the United States in which fraud has been alleged at Chicago Tuesday September 20 A sxm 80 PnbiMom 1't It is practically a certainty United States Senator Burrows defeated for renomination at Michigan Republican primaries Congressman Charles Townsend of Jackson Chase Osborn was nominated for governor by a large majority A terse note pf resignation from the Hamilton club of Chicago of which he has been a member many years was the answer made by United States Senator William Lorimer to the action of the club president John Batten in withdrawing his invitation to the roosevelt banquet The pack of Sock eye salmon in British Columbia this season aggre gated 543525 cases according to final figures just announced Last season which was a year the pack ag gregated 967920 cases Chambers Templeton state sena tor of Tyrone Pa who recently with drew as a candidate for re election because his interests re quired his is under arrest at Altoona on the charge of forgery Passenger train No 34 on the Louis ville Nashville railroad north bound from Knoxville Tenn for Cincinnati was Wrecked at Williamsburg Ky The engineer and fireman were killed While waiting for an Interurban cay at Shelbuyi Ind Ray Orr a printer twenty years old of Sullivan Ind was shot and killed by a tramp The slayer escaped "Close upon the heels of the radical shakeup In the ranks of bank examin ers by which 20 men were shifted to new fields Controller of the Currency Murray announced he would make a personal investigation of cond'tions in 3 all examination districts Sarah King of Brooklyn will re ceive a silver cup as winner of a fiob ble sklrt race She only fell seven limes 1 benfiies' back to 1737 worth about $800 were foiind by Charles Webb in i plowing near Mount reedom last week Cflariea tianuiwa wno maae tne Pi'great race frotn Philadelphia to New York on 13 was fatally injurednt thastato tat his korsepower blptanaYj VWkianjiitonian casled to iho ground I 1 UHI 11 I a i' a rt re ri sx 1 i i KV TV if MS ktj6 L'SILY i 4' 5 Wa a a 1 Jj WJL 2 IT If III I Zz 5 I ZsJ Ift 1 1' yL 1 I 'I I ') I' if 4 gSKjl yj fell you to boy WL Humphrey A a Mcvartny reter TEl If your wv it luitot AUfrelw writ ffar Mail A yr 4 1 LizniRmuy rr 4 wrwMs wfce a We IKJUCaLJUL fc? a ft 8 tVVfs JST jACW 5 Uj T' i i "UaT'' mow WWMVBI 1.

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Chatsworth Plaindealer from Chatsworth, Illinois (2024)
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Author: Geoffrey Lueilwitz

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Name: Geoffrey Lueilwitz

Birthday: 1997-03-23

Address: 74183 Thomas Course, Port Micheal, OK 55446-1529

Phone: +13408645881558

Job: Global Representative

Hobby: Sailing, Vehicle restoration, Rowing, Ghost hunting, Scrapbooking, Rugby, Board sports

Introduction: My name is Geoffrey Lueilwitz, I am a zealous, encouraging, sparkling, enchanting, graceful, faithful, nice person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.