Qiqi Guide and Best Builds (2024)

Qiqi Guide and Best Builds (1)

Qiqi is a 5-Star Cryo Sword user in Genshin Impact who providespowerful healing from both their Elemental Skill and Elemental Burst. This guidewill focus on Qiqi's best builds, artifacts, weapons and best team compositions.

Last updated on Jun 05, 2024 at 11:00by Shikhu





Christie CateEN Voice Actor

Tamura YukariJP Voice Actor


Strengths and Weaknesses

Qiqi Guide and Best Builds (2)Strengths

  • Qiqi Guide and Best Builds (3)Some of the most powerful healing in the game.
  • Qiqi Guide and Best Builds (4)A great asset in Co-op due to Elemental Skill and Elemental Burst both providing healing.

Qiqi Guide and Best Builds (5)Weaknesses

  • Qiqi Guide and Best Builds (6)Very low Cryo Application.
  • Qiqi Guide and Best Builds (7)Elemental Skill does not generate any Energy Particles.
  • Qiqi Guide and Best Builds (8)Elemental Skill has a long cooldown resulting in low uptime.


Healer Qiqi Build

Qiqi is primarily played as a healer, ensuring the team stays aliveand fit for combat. Generally using artifact sets that then supportthe team through increased damage or ATK buffs because her healing isso powerful already.

BiS Weapon Sacrificial Sword
Alternate Weapons
  1. Skyward Blade
  2. Kagotsurube Isshin
  3. Favonius Sword
Best Artifacts
  1. Tenacity of the Millelith
  2. Ocean-Hued Clam
Main Stats
  • Sand Stats: ATK % / Energy Recharge
  • Goblet Stats: ATK %
  • Circlet Stats: Healing Bonus / ATK %
Substat Priority
  1. Energy Recharge to requirements
  2. ATK %
  3. ATK
Talent Priority
  1. Elemental Burst
  2. Elemental Skill
  3. Normal Attack

Many of Qiqi's best weapons focus on increasing herEnergy Recharge because her Elemental Skill does notgenerate Energy. Weapons such as Favonius Sword and Sacrificial Sword are great at this.

Sacrificial Sword is also great because it pairs incrediblywell with Tenacity of the Millelith. Sacrificial Swordallows you to have 100% uptime on your Elemental Skill, allowing youto consistently have the effects of Tenacity.

Ocean-Hued Clam is otherwise an amazing option convertingQiqi's healing into pure DMG. Generally speaking Ocean-Hued can be abetter artifact set than Tenacity if you are able to regularly use yourElemental Burst.

Qiqi's healing scales based off of ATK. This means, the more ATK thebetter her damage and healing will be.


How Much Energy Does Qiqi Need?

As a general recommendation, we would advise aiming for around 220 - 260%Energy Recharge to allow your Elemental Burst to beready when your Elemental Skill ends its cooldown.

With Qiqi not generating energy using Adeptus Art: Herald of Frostyou need incredibly high requirements. The 220-260% suggestion can be lowerin a Cryo-focused team or when usingRaiden Shogun. But may be higher without other Cryo characters.


Combos and How to Play Qiqi

You generally want to start with Qiqi's Elemental Burst, Adeptus Art: Preserver of Fortune to mark enemies with a Fortune-Preserving Talisman. This dealsAoE Cryo DMG and when enemies that are marked take furtherdamage, you heal.

Combined with Adeptus Art: Herald of Frost your ElementalSkill, you can apply Cryo slowly to enemies. This isnot enough for consistent Elemental Reactions but can help supportanother Cryo character.

If you have Sacrificial Sword you can consistentlymaintain Adeptus Art: Herald of Frost. You otherwise maywant to consider using your Elemental Burst first, and then after 15s,using your Elemental Skill to provide continuous healing.With Ascetics of Frost (C1) however, you want to always pairthem together to generate Energy.


Qiqi Best Team Comps

As a powerful healer, Qiqi can be used in a wide range ofteam compositions. Anything that really wants a healer can benefit fromhaving her. Some teams however you may want to consider herCryo application and if it will interfere with reactions.

Because of this, her biggest uses are in Cryo-centricteams such as Perma-Freeze teams. Or pairedwith Furina because powerful healing helps generatefanfare from Let the People Rejoice.


Qiqi Hyperbloom Teams

Sub DPSSub DPSSupportSupport
  • Nahida
  • Dendro Traveler
Furina Kuki Shinobu Qiqi
  • Nahida
  • Dendro Traveler
Raiden Shogun Xingqiu Qiqi

Qiqi is able to fit in really well with Hyperbloom teams, the firstexample using Furina who utilises Qiqi's healingabilities to increase her damage buff while providing Hydroapplication. The second example instead uses Raiden Shogunto deal increased Electro DMG. In these teams Qiqi willnot interfere with the Dendro cores.


Qiqi Freeze Teams

Main DPSSub DPSSub DPSSupport
Qiqi Xingqiu
  • Rosaria
  • Chongyun
Kaedehara Kazuha
Ganyu Xingqiu
  • Rosaria
  • Shenhe

Qiqi can be played in various Freeze teams eitheras the Main DPS themselves or as a healer support for another DPS instead.

When Qiqi is the DPS you may need to build them differently. Usingartifacts such as Blizzard Strayer alongsideChongyun or Pale Flame alongsideRosaria for a physical build instead.

When supporting a DPS such as Ganyu or evenKamisato Ayaka. Qiqi can just be played as a normal healer,simply keeping the team alive and providing a small amount ofCryo application for Freeze tooccur.


Qiqi's Ascensions, Talents and Constellations

Qiqi's AscensionsQiqi's TalentsQiqi's Constellations


Qiqi's Ascension Passives and Materials

UnlockAscension PassiveExplanation
With Character Former Life MemoriesDisplays the location of nearby resources unique to Liyue on the mini-map.
1st Ascension Life-Prolonging MethodsWhen a character under the effects of Adeptus Art: Herald of Frost triggers an Elemental Reaction,their Incoming Healing Bonus is increased by 20% for 8s.
4th Ascension A Glimpse Into ArcanumWhen Qiqi hits opponents with her Normal and Charged Attacks, shehas a 50% chance to apply a Fortune-Preserving Talismanto them for 6s. This effect can only occur once every 30s.

Qiqi requires a range of materials to ascend to the 6th ascension.Starting from the second ascension they gain additional Healing Bonus as she levels,giving a total of 22% Bonus Healing Bonus at the final ascension.The total cost to upgrade all ascensions is:

Mora420,000 Mora
Boss Material46x Hoarfrost Core
Ascension Material
  • 1x Shivada Jade Sliver
  • 9x Shivada Jade Fragment
  • 9x Shivada Jade Chunk
  • 6x Shivada Jade Gemstone
Local Specialty168x Violetgrass
Enhancement Material
  • 18x Divining Scroll
  • 30x Sealed Scroll
  • 36x Forbidden Curse Scroll


Qiqi's Talents

Listed below is each talent and a simplified explanation of how they work.

TypeTalent NameBrief Explanation
Normal Normal Attack: Ancient Sword ArtNormal Attacks deal 5 strikes, Charged Attacks deal 2 strikesand a normal sword AoE Plunge Attack.
Elemental Skill Adeptus Art: Herald of Frost

Creates a Adeptus Art: Herald of Frost (floating Cryoorb).

  • Regenerates HP.
  • Deals Cryo DMG to nearby enemies.
  • Heals HP based on Qiqi's ATK when Qiqi deals Normal orCharged Attacks.
Elemental Burst Adeptus Art: Preserver of FortuneDeals AoE Cryo DMG and marks enemieswith a Talisman. This talisman heals the character who dealsdamage to an enemy marked with the talisman.

To upgrade a single talent to level 10, it costs:

Mora1,625,500 Mora
Special Material1x Crown of Insight
Boss Material6x Tail of Boreas
Domain Material
  • 3x Teachings of Prosperity
  • 21x Guide to Prosperity
  • 38x Philosophies of Prosperity
Enhancement Material
  • 6x Divining Scroll
  • 22x Sealed Scroll
  • 31x Forbidden Curse Scroll


Qiqi's Constellations

Being a character from the Standard Banner, there isno way to guarantee any of Qiqi's Constellations. It is not advisedto roll on the Standard Banner for any character because there is noguarantee that you will even get who you want or their Constellations.

C1 Ascetics of FrostGenerates Energy when Adeptus Art: Herald of Frosthits an enemy marked with a Fortune-Preserving Talisman.
C2 Frozen to the BoneDeals increased Normal and Charged Attack DMG to opponentsaffected by Cryo.
C3 Ascendant Praise
  • Increases the Level of Adeptus Art: Preserver of Fortune by 3.
  • Maximum upgrade level is 15.
C4 Divine SuppressionTargets marked by the Fortune-Preserving Talismanhave their ATK decreased by 20%.
C5 Crimson Lotus Bloom
  • Increases the Level of Adeptus Art: Herald of Frost by 3.
  • Maximum upgrade level is 15.
C6 Rite of Resurrection Adeptus Art: Preserver of Fortune revives party membersonce every 15 minutes.



  • 03 Jun. 2024: Reviewed for 4.7.
  • 22 Jan. 2024: Guide added.

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Qiqi Guide and Best Builds (2024)


How to build the best Qiqi? ›

Best Artifacts for Qiqi

Qiqi has two choices for her artifact sets. 2 piece Maiden Beloved and 2 piece Gladiator's Finale for a pure healer build and 4 piece Tenacity of the Millelith for a much more hybrid build. Main stats to look out for are Energy Recharge/ATK Sands, ATK Goblet, ATK/Healing% Circlet.

Is it worth it to build Qiqi? ›

Unlike Yaoyao, Qiqi can contribute some useful damage through the clam set and if using the set, activating her burst is a good idea even if more healing isn't necessary to ramp up that off-field damage. Due to this, she should be built with ATK%,ATK%, Healing Bonus main stats but ER substats.

What does Qiqi Healing scale off of? ›

Qiqi's healing capacity scales off of her ATK, meaning that equipping Qiqi with an ATK-oriented weapon can help heal your team.

What is the best team for Qiqi? ›

Thanks to Qiqi's natural burst and healing potential, she can fit right into almost any setup. Her best lineups include synergies with the likes of Bennett (Pyro), Diluc (Pyro), and Venti (Anemo). With this comp, Qiqi can easily grant heals via her elemental skill whenever she attacks.

What is the best 5 star weapon for Qiqi? ›

5 Aquila Favonia

Aquila Favonia is the better choice for players who want to build Qiqi to deal damage via her Normal attacks and Ocean-Hued Clam's passive. The 5-star Sword increases Qiqi's Physical DMG alongside having a high amount of Base ATK, which will improve Qiqi's scaling with ATK%.

Who is better, Barbara or Qiqi? ›

Qiqi scales off Atk so will do more dmg then Barbara when on the field. 6. Qiqi can heal with normal attacks (no Skill/Burst required).

Is Qiqi the weakest 5 star? ›

Qiqi is definitely the weakest 5-star as of Patch 1.3 As a support, the 4-star, Diona, is better than her. Qiqi's elemental skill does not generate energy particles, her cryo application takes a long time, and her elemental burst requires high energy cost.

Why is Qiqi weak? ›

She cannot produce elemental energy, and has an expensive burst. Usually, your most powerful damaging characters (ex: Beidou, Xiangling, Raiden, Yae Miko, Eula, Xiao) have high cost bursts that the healer is expected to help fill. Qiqi does the opposite - the DPS characters have to fill HER burst.

Who is better, Kaeya or Qiqi? ›

Kaeya can be consistent in damage, and provide support at the same time. His burst is very similar to Xiangling's, as it will surround your character and deal cryo damage, and this is a better version of Qiqi's elemental skill. Although it doesn't heal allies, it will be good for causing Freeze or Superconduct.

Who is a better healer Qiqi or Kuki? ›

Qiqi heals far more, but I'd say Kuki is the better healer overall, because her heals are more consistent while still being adequately strong and she is more useful as a support (better TotM uptime, better t proccing Fav Sword via Q->E and no energy issues).

Who is better Rosaria or Qiqi? ›

If supports, Qiqi is better off as a healer like she was meant to and Rosaria can be a support for both melt and freeze comps.

Is Qiqi better than Diona? ›

Qiqi or Diona? Qiqi is by far the better healer. Diona is more a hybrid of a healer and shield provider.

Can you build Qiqi as a DPS? ›

To create an undying DPS zombie, players should build Qiqi on Physical damage. The unit's normal attacks are her best source of damage, so it's best to build her on 4-Gladiator's Finale, 4-Pale Flame, or a combination with Bloodstained Chivalry. The main stat should be Attack/ Physical damage/Crit Rate or Crit Damage.

Can Qiqi be strong? ›

Perhaps Qiqi is not so useless as many think, after all. Qiqi is one of the best healers in the game. Her heals are based on attack stats, good multipliers, and she can heal (herself, or other characters) quickly in a matter of seconds.

Is Kaeya or Qiqi better? ›

Kaeya can be consistent in damage, and provide support at the same time. His burst is very similar to Xiangling's, as it will surround your character and deal cryo damage, and this is a better version of Qiqi's elemental skill. Although it doesn't heal allies, it will be good for causing Freeze or Superconduct.

What is the best way to get Qiqi? ›

The most straightforward path to acquiring Qiqi is through the game's Wish system, which is essentially Genshin Impact's version of a gacha mechanism. Qiqi is a 5-star character, which means she's quite rare, but don't let that discourage you!

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