The Sheboygan Press from Sheboygan, Wisconsin (2024)

SHEBOYGAN PRESS, Thursday, July 3U, 1970 23 PEANUTS Schulz liy Charles M. Family range Pilgrims Initiated By Indians Into Mysteries Of The Clambake Has lteiinioii At Kohler Park The annual Prange family picnic was held at the Ravine Park in Kohler. The picnic started with a fry and buffet dinner. In the afternoon games were played and the birthday song was sung to those who observed their birthday in July. Those honored were Mrs.

Wesley ters, Ann and Debra, of Duluth, Minn. On the committee were Mr, and Mrs. Wesley Prange, Mr. and Mrs. David Prange and Capt.

and Mrs. Kenneth Myers. Appointed to make arrangements for the 1971 picnic were Mr. and Mrs. Norbert Prange, Mr.

and Mrs. Donald Schomberg and Mr. and Mrs. Norbert Schomberg. Prange, Heidi Schomberg, Mrs.

Donald Schomberg, Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert Lenz, Mrs. James Schomberg, Mrs. Sheridan Prange and Mrs, Norbert Schomberg.

Guests came from Sheboygan Fa 1 1 Sheboygan, Howards 0 e-Millersvillc, Kohler, Johnsonville and Sheboygan Falls areas. Also present were Capt. and Mrs. Kenneth Myers and daugh lent lobsters; tangy sausages and finally fragrant slabs of apple pie. Coastal communities in New York and along the Jersey shore have adopted the clambake with a few local touches.

Forgone thing, they insist that Manhattan clam chowder is more rib-sticking than the creamed mixture preferred in New England. The dispute has gone on for years. 1 I I 'I FEEL LIKE By TOM HOGE Associated Press Writer About 300 years ago, a Pilgrim father was strolling along a lonely strand when his nostrils were assailed by a tantalizing odor of seafood. Around the bend he came upon a tribe of Indians busy cooking clams and fish over hot rocks strewn with seaweed. The Indians turned out to be friendly, and they initiated the stranger into the mysteries, of the clambake.

Ever since then, Americans have been glorifying the mollusk and its finny cous ins with bakes, barbecues, boils and fries that attract thousands of hungry tourists each summer from Maine to California. New England is the clambake, but its fame has spread down the Atlantic Seaboard and across the Pacific Coast where the clam has been replaced by the abalone. Today's clambake is a far cry from the snack the Indians whipped up for our inquisitive Pilgrim forefather. It has been expanded into a multicourse banquet running the gamut from steaming bowls of creamy New England chowder to succu- OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO I'M 5ITTIN6 OUTSIDE A LOCkEK 1 SHOP and SAVE at MIESFELD'S Heading south into iviaryiin, home of the famed blue crab, tourists find the clambake re' Dlaced by cookouts of golden brown fried crabs, velvety crab casseroles and tangy crab cu tlets. Shortcake: Summer Showoff Virginia marks the opening of ITO0B1 the oyster season early in September with festivals featuring such delicacies as oyster stew, barbecued oysters and oysters 1m Mm Polly's Pointers ly POLLY CRAMER Newipiper Enterprlie Association pickled southern style in cloves and white vinegar.

Tennessee, home of the fish Dial 452-1214 or 452-8151 fry, provides a summer long N. 15th Street and Calumet Drive 4'2 teaspoons baking powder l'a teaspoons salt 14 teaspoon nutmeg, if desired y3 cup sugar 2 cup lard 1 cup milk Sift together flour, baking powder, salt, nutmeg and sugar. Cut in lard. Add milk, mixing with fork to make a soft dough. Turn onto a lightly floured surface and knead gently.

Divide series of cookouts that have be DEAR POLLY Like Mar- come famous throughout the The pints, bushels and crates of fruits freshly picked from fertile fields and orchards are among the best eating rewards of summer. So these treasures can be fully enjoyed, include them in a special dessert. Tender shortcake piled high with juicy strawberries, sweet peaches or delicate blueberries is irresistible when the biscuit crust is made with lard, emphasizes Reba Stagg, National Live Stock and Meat Board home economist. Fresh Fruit Shortcake 3 cups sifted flour jorie, too, have an acrylic coat deep South. Tons of catfish are and changed its color (without served crackling crisp each sea Open Daily from 8:00 a.m.

'til 5:30 p.m. FRIDAY NIGHTS Until 9:00 p.m. son with corn meal hushpup- damage) by using a well-known pies. brand of dye in COOL water. It In Florida, fish and crusta takes a little longer for the color ceans are so plentiful and inexpensive that the state puts on a Shop at the Market with The RED CARPET to set but it worked beautifully on my coat.

MARSHA year-round series, of seafood fetes. Favorite dishes there include scallops paprika, barbe DEAR GIRLS Do not be dough in half and press dough evenly in two 9-inch layer cake pans. Bake in a hot oven (425 degrees 15 to 18 minutes or until lightly browned. Cool. Filling 6 to 8 cups sliced fresh fruit or berries 1 tablespoon lemon juice POLLY'S PROBLEM DEAR POLLY I got tired of the white plastic case on my clock radio, so I covered it with adhesive-backed paper in a walnut finish to match my other furniture.

I grew tired of that, so I removed the paper covering but now the case is sticky and I do not know how to remove this stickiness. Detergents and water do not help. I am now worried about other things I have covered with this paper, as I may get tired of them, too. I have friends with this same problem, so we will all be looking for an answer. LINDA Lean and Meaty, Country Style disappointed if dyeing does not work well on your acrylic coats.

"Some acrylics do not absorb dyes as well as others. Cut a small swatch of these fabrics from a place where It won't show and dye to test the color cued eel and fork-tender turtle steaks from the great loggerheads that swim in the warm waters off Key West. Louisiana, noted for its French wine sauces and Creole Pompano which Mark Twain said was "as delicious as the less criminal forms of sin," holds a number of seafood festivals each summer. (for fruits other than berries) to 1 cup sugar whipped cream or topping Sprinkle fruit other than berries with lemon juice. Stir in suear to taste.

Spread fruit be results." POLLY DEAR POLLY Find a cor ner that is situable and con venient for storing your cleaning tween layers and over top of shortcake. Top with whipped tools. Nail a coffee can to the wall, near this corner, with the So does the Mississippi gulf port of Biloxi, the world's best known shrimp and oyster port, where a crew may pull in as DEAR POLLY I used to open side out. Hang the hose to your sweeper over the can and think there should be a law tb cream or topping. Part of the whipped cream or topping may be combined with the fruit that is spread between the layers, if desired.

Eight to ten servings. School Board Al Kcwuskuiu jUVlains Officers KEWASKUM At a organizational meeting of the board of education that followed the annual meeting Monday night, Richard L. Edwards was retained as chairman; John Jadro as clerk and Mrs. Zona Miske as treasurer. The bid of John Engelhardt, distributor for Fairmont Foods, to provide milk for the hot lunch program at 5.7 cents per half pint was accepted.

Only one bid for fuel oil was received and the board voted to reject it for lack of competition and readvertise. Seven bids were opened for tuckpointing the junior high building. No action was taken. The resignation of Paul Kilgore, instructor of junior high band and high school vocal music, was read and tabled until it can be determined that a replace ONLY Tasty, Tenderized SPENCER STEAKS Trimmed Beef RIB STEAKS keep stores and manufacturers from sticking gummed price labels on articles. The label usually comes off easily enough but some of the gum or white glue always remains, even after trying various things to remove it.

A saleslady at my favorite store finally told me I could remove this residue by rubbing it with a rubber pencil. This has worked successfully for me on plastic, ceramics and glass objects. MRS. J.S. DEAR LINDA Mrs.

J.S. may have the answer to your problem. It is certainly worth a try. POLLY Schombergs Have Picnic At Howards The eighth annual Schomberg picnic was held Sunday at Riverside Park in Howards Grove-Millersville. A ootluck dinner was served much as 50,000 pounds of shrimp in one season.

Every June there is a colorful ceremony in Biloxi known as the blessing of the shrimp fleet. Hundreds of gaily bedecked trawlers sail past a priest who sprinkles the flotilla with holy water and asks the Lord's protection for the fishermen. The ritual signals a weekend of gaity climaxed by a mammoth shrimp feast. It features such dishes as Jambalaya, Gumbo and shrimp stuffed in eggplant, tomatoes, and green peppers. There is shrimp salad galore, shrimp patties, barbecued shrimp, and of course well chilled shrimp co*cktail.

Only Only put dust clolhs in the can. If a can is used, some of the sweeper attachments can be stored here also. Such a can can be covered with decorative, a i e-backed paper. WILMA (NEA) ment can be found. Kilgore plans to attend graduate school.

In other action, the board voted to exercise the option on 4.43 acres of the Ervin Klein For That Outdoor Fry, You Should Really Try Miesfeld's Famous Biloxi is proud of its shrimp dishes and with good reason. property to expand the present Beechwood School site. The next Here is a recipe by Alena Cer enich that was a feature of a Bi board meeting will be held on Aug. 10. and a baseball game was played between the Boll and Schomberg families.

Games were enjoyed by young and old and prizes were awarded. Mr. and Mrs. Arvin Liebzeit and Mrs. Clara Leibzeit of Greenwood traveled he farthest.

Jennifer Suemnicht was the youngest one present and Mrs. Clara Leibzeit the oldest. Mrs. Roger Wehrmann received the prize in the guessing game. In skat, the prize was awarded to Hugo Wuestenhagen.

A birthday song was sung to 18 who had birthdays in July. The committee in charge was Mr. and Mrs. Arno Erbstoeszer, Mr. and Mrs.

Reg. Hanson, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Roethel and Mr. 0 0 ciictsfing's Your "Friendly" SUPER MARKET 202 PINE ST.

SHEBOYGAN FALLS Open 7 a.m. to 9 p.m. Daily Saturday! 'til 5:30 loxi festival a few years ago. BILOXI JAMBALAYA 1 medium sweet green pepper 1 large onion 2 cloves garlic Heart of one bunch celery Y2 cup olive oil 1 can tomato sauce (about 12 oz) 1 12 pounds peeled, deveined raw shrimp 1 cup raw rice throughly washed 1 large potato diced Salt, pepper and 1 teaspoon sugar Fry in the olive oil about 20 minutes over low heat chopped ONLY i Fresh, Plump, CUT-UP and Mrs. Norbert Schomberg.

Guests came from Milwaukee, Greenwood, Appleton, Wausau, Plymouth, Sheboygan, Sheboy-ean Falls. Johnsonville, Ho onion, green pepper, celery and garlic, then add one can tomato sauce. In another pot, boil diced potato until completely ab Lean, Home-Smoked SLICED BACON Home-Smoked SUMMER SAUSAGE U.S. Gov't. Inspected Chicken i Dfl Plain or Garlic 7Ss Only wards Grove-Millersville, Kiel, Franklin and Schwartzwald.

It was decided to have the 1971 picnic the last Sunday in July at Riverside Park. It is again to be a potluck dinner. The committee in charge will be Mr. and Mrs. Roland Schomberg, Mr.

and Mrs. Eugene Boll, Mr. and Mrs. James Zelm and Mr. and Mrs.

Roger Wehrmann. It is estimated that the Earth was formed from intersteller gas about 4.5 billion years ago, at the same time the other planets of the sun were formed. sorbed in one quart water, then add some of mixture to tomato gravy and let simmer another 20 minutes. Add raw shrimp and cook about 15 minutes, then add raw rice plus remainder of potato water as it cooks and thickens. Simmer another 20 minutes until liquid disappears and mixture is virtually dry.

Serve with green salad, dry french bread and cold rose In 3-lb. pkg. Fresh Ground BEEF Ih 59 OUTDOOR FRY Aug. 2 from I 1:00 A.M. to 7:00 P.M.

SUSCHA-FALE'S SPORTSMEN'S CLUB, S. 12th and Swiff featuring MEISFELD'S Brats and Hamburgers wine. Serves Four. 5 SMtj-Cttdel Mm 0 SIZES 4-14 Shell's Popular No Pest Strip 1.49 SALAD POTATOES 5444 Food Club, 3-oi. box Jolly Good, 12-oz.

cans Gelalin 9 Soda 10 79 for NEW CROP Gaylord, Salad Quart 10 lbs. SS)C Sweet, Ripe CANTALOUPE Limited Supply 36-size NOW ONLY Delight the young lady with this swingy-suspender skirt in (soft crochet with touches of embroidery. No. 5444 has crochet directions for Sizes 4 to 14 years. SEND 50 cents in coins for each pattern tb include first-class mailing.

ANNE CABOT, The Sheboygan Press. P.O. Box 5340, Chicago, 111. 60680 Print Name, Address with ZIP CODE and Style Number. The Fall Winter '70 ALBUM is 65 cents, includes postage and handling.

ONE PIECE QUILTS ideal pick-up-and-carry stitching! Pattern pieces; directions 12 quilts. Ql 12 65 cents, includes postage and handling. lS 2 tP 910 N. 8th St. Dial 457-5056 We Buy Fancy HOMEGROWN PRODUCE Orchard, Vj-gal.

Breakfast Del Monro, 6-or. Chunk Drinks 2 fer Tuna 3 1 Sweet Freestone IPesKcIlnes 29 Vine Ripened TOMATOES Food Club Gelatin DESSERT Gaylord SALAD DRESSING 35 California PEACHES J9 9 3-oi. pkg. Plenty of Canning PICKLES. DILL and Other Pickling Supplies On Hand AT ALL TIMES Hot Weather Special! TOMATOES 6 pack Word Fancy is the JOLLY GOOD CANNED SODA 10 79 12-ot.

cans Gef that Paid and is Springtime Feeling" lb. DRINK SAYE 6c on Schultz's POTATO CHIPS REG. 59c, Mb. Twin Pale Box, t'rATATin California Valencia CREAM SODA 58 SWEET CORN At its Finest Found Only At CHARLEY'S MARKET uranges dot. NOW 2)c Firm Ripe, California New I6-01.

bottles 29 O0 Cantaloupe Wonderful Eating Op OOOOOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOOOOOOOO QO.

The Sheboygan Press from Sheboygan, Wisconsin (2024)


What is the ethnicity of people in Sheboygan Wisconsin? ›

Sheboygan Demographics

White: 75.09% Asian: 12.16% Two or more races: 7.81% Black or African American: 3.06%

What is the nickname for Sheboygan Wisconsin? ›

There you have it! The Sheboygan brat, fryed and dressed, that earned the title Bratwurst Capital of the World. Resting on the shores of Lake Michigan, the city of Sheboygan has been affectionately dubbed the Malibu of the Midwest by the surf crowd.

What is the poverty rate in Sheboygan WI? ›

11.4% of the population for whom poverty status is determined in Sheboygan, WI (5.57k out of 49k people) live below the poverty line, a number that is lower than the national average of 12.5%. The largest demographic living in poverty are Females 25 - 34, followed by Males 55 - 64 and then Females 55 - 64.

Is Sheboygan Wisconsin a nice place to live? ›

Sheboygan is in Sheboygan County and is one of the best places to live in Wisconsin. Living in Sheboygan offers residents a dense suburban feel and most residents own their homes. In Sheboygan there are a lot of bars, restaurants, and parks. Many families live in Sheboygan and residents tend to lean conservative.

What is the whitest county in Wisconsin? ›

Wisconsin White Population Percentage by County
68 more rows

Where is the black population in Wisconsin? ›

Wisconsin's population is 86% white and 7.7% Black, according to the 2020 Census. The Black population is up from 7.1% in 2010. Almost 90% of the Black population resides in six counties in the southern part of the state — Milwaukee, Dane, Racine, Kenosha, Rock and Waukesha.

What food is Sheboygan known for? ›

Sheboygan's Most Famous Dishes
  • Bread & Rolls.
  • Turnovers.
  • Peanuts.
  • Sausage.

What makes Sheboygan so special? ›

Sheboygan is considered the Freshwater Surf Capital of the World. While Lake Michigan is a great place to swim, bask in the sun and walk the beach when the weather is warm, it also becomes a surfer's paradise in the winter.

Why is Sheboygan called Sin city? ›

For years, Sheboygan County had a reputation in the Midwest for the sheer number and quality of its brothels. Estimates had them numbering about forty. By the late 1940s, much of the county had enough of the bold spurning of the law, the snigg*ring jokes and the crime that surrounded the roadhouses.

What is Sheboygan Wisconsin sister city? ›

Discover Esslingen, Germany – Our Cherished Sister City

It is the seat of the District of Esslingen and the 11th largest city in Baden-Württemberg.

What is the poorest counties in Wisconsin? ›

According to a list compiled by 24/7 Wall St., the "poorest" county in Wisconsin is Langlade County. The county, which has a population around 19,500, has a median household income of $55,901 poverty rate of 12.2%, compared to the state average of $72,458 and 10.7%, respectively.

What is the crime rate in Sheboygan WI? ›

Sheboygan Annual Crimes
Number of Crimes166696
Crime Rate (per 1,000 residents)3.3413.98

Can you drink tap water in Sheboygan? ›

For the latest quarter assessed by the U.S. EPA (January 2021 - March 2021), tap water provided by this water utility was in compliance with federal health-based drinking water standards.

What is the average household income in Sheboygan WI? ›

What are the median and average incomes in Sheboygan?
Y-o-Y Change
Average Household Income$71,96211.0%
Median Household Income$59,8618.8%
People below Poverty Level5,4762.8%
People above Poverty Level42,795-0.8%

How deep is Sheboygan Lake? ›

Sheboygan Lake is a 646 acre lake located in Sheboygan County. It has a maximum depth of 4 feet.

What is the majority race in Wisconsin? ›

Population composition

About nine-tenths of Wisconsin's population is of northern European origin. Those of German descent are most numerous, followed by those of Irish, Polish, Scandinavian (primarily Norwegian), and British heritage.

What is the largest ethnic group in Wisconsin? ›

Largest ethnic groups in Wisconsin *
RankAncestry% of Population
1 more row

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Author: Nicola Considine CPA

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Author information

Name: Nicola Considine CPA

Birthday: 1993-02-26

Address: 3809 Clinton Inlet, East Aleisha, UT 46318-2392

Phone: +2681424145499

Job: Government Technician

Hobby: Calligraphy, Lego building, Worldbuilding, Shooting, Bird watching, Shopping, Cooking

Introduction: My name is Nicola Considine CPA, I am a determined, witty, powerful, brainy, open, smiling, proud person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.